News Release


November 17, 2003Corporate/IR
AIFUL Corporation Announces Management Personnel Changes (PDF 9KB)
November 6, 2003Corporate/IR
Interim Data Book for the fiscal year ending March. 2004 (PDF 281KB)
November 6, 2003Corporate/IR
Brief Statement (Non-Consolidated) of Interim Financial Results for The Fiscal Year Ending March, 2004 (PDF 37KB)
November 6, 2003Corporate/IR
Brief Statement (Consolidated) of Interim Financial Results for The Fiscal Year Ending March, 2004 (PDF 69KB)
October 14, 2003Corporate/IR
AIFUL Corporation Announces Merger of Three Consumer Finance Subsidiaries (PDF 13KB)
October 3, 2003Corporate/IR
AIFUL Announce 38th Unsecured Straight Bond Issues (PDF 9KB)
July 24, 2003Corporate/IR
First Quarter Report for the fiscal year ending March. 2004 (PDF 237KB)
July 24, 2003Corporate/IR
Brief Statement (Consolidated) of The First Quarter Financial Results for The Fiscal Year Ending March, 2004 (PDF 93KB)
July 7, 2003Corporate/IR
AIFUL Corporation Promotes One Director, Changes Directors??? Responsibilities, Appoints Concurrent Directors at Other Companies, and Makes Other Personnel and Organizational Changes (PDF 18KB)
May 19, 2003Other
AIFUL Authorizes Treasury Stock Purchase (PDF 7KB)
May 19, 2003Other
AIFUL Introduces One - Year Terms for Directors (PDF 7KB)
May 13, 2003Corporate/IR
AIFUL Announce 36th, 37th Unsecured Straight Bond Issues (PDF 11KB)
May 8, 2003Corporate/IR
Brief Statement (Consolidated) of Financial Results for The Fiscal Year Ending March, 2003 (PDF 199KB)
May 8, 2003Corporate/IR
Brief Statement (Non-Consolidated) of Financial Results for The Fiscal Year Ending March, 2003 (PDF 166KB)
April 17, 2003Other
AIFUL Names New Director (PDF 7KB)
March 18, 2003Corporate/IR
AIFUL Announce 35th, Unsecured Straight Bond Issues (PDF 10KB)
March 17, 2003Corporate/IR
AIFUL Announces Changes in Director's Responsibilities and Other Organizational Changes (PDF 14KB)
February 17, 2003Corporate/IR
AIFUL Announce 34th, Unsecured Straight Bond Issues (PDF 10KB)
January 27, 2003Other
AIFUL to Sell Taiwan-Style"Family Restaurant"Business, Alishan (PDF 13KB)
January 21, 2003Corporate/IR
AIFUL Announce 33th, Unsecured Straight Bond Issues (PDF 9KB)