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top_iconCSR Activities of the AIFUL Group

At the AIFUL Group,
we believe that realizing our corporate philosophy
and practicing CSR are one and the same.

At the AIFUL Group, we believe that realizing our corporate philosophy and practicing CSR are one and the same.

“Earn the trust of society through corporate activity based in integrity.” This is the corporate philosophy of the AIFUL Group. Our corporate philosophy and the AIFUL Compliance Code of Conduct together constitute our conduct guidelines, which state the following as the “Basic Approach”: “We will make it our mission to meet the expectations of customers who use our services, the society that supports us, our co-workers, our clients, and the shareholders who invest in us, and will contribute to society through all of our business activities. To fulfill these missions, we will conduct our business activities as a good member of society.”

We believe that in earning the trust of all stakeholders by engaging in sustainable practices and contributing to the development of a sustainable society—that is, by making continuous efforts for “initiatives for environmental issues,” “social contribution/coexistence with the community,” “workplace and work environment,” “Diversity Promotion,” “our customers,” and our “management system”—to achieve our mission and improve our corporate value, we are embodying both our corporate philosophy and our CSR.

Basic Sustainability Policy

The AIFUL Group aims to achieve both a sustainable society and the growth of the Group in order to create a future where all individuals can be themselves, based on our management philosophy of "Earn the trust of society through corporate activity based in integrity" and the vision of "For Colorful Life. (For realizing a society where each person can play an active role)." In our efforts, we will think globally in terms of both the environment and society, and actively promote activities rooted in each region together with our many stakeholders.

Multi-Stakeholder Policy

In conducting our business, we have established a Multi-Stakeholder Policy outlining our approach for building relationships with our stakeholders, such as business partners and employees. This policy includes initiatives such as establishing appropriate relationships with our business partners and implementing measures such as wage increases and education/training programs for employees.

Challenges Initiatives Relevant SDGs
Initiatives for Priority Environmental Issues
Realization of a carbon-free society Management of energy consumption CLEANENERGY INFRASTRUCTURE PRODUCTION CLIMATEACTION LIFE ON LAND
"Cool Biz" and "Warm Biz" Activities
Endorsement of "COOL CHOICE"
Efforts to improve operational efficiency
Reducing the number of multifunction devices
Management of air conditioner operating hours
Promotion of stair use
Promoting Resource Recycling
Waste separation and recycling
Eco-cap campaign
"Green Fund-raising" activities
Reuse of stationery among departments
Promotion of paper-saving campaigns
Introduction of paperless, online statements
Initiatives for Priority Social Issues
Creating Products that Meet Society's Expectations Product development to meet the diverse financial needs of customers
Service quality improvement by collecting customer feedback and using it to enhance our services
Establish a comprehensive support system for customers
Provide products which completes non face to face way
AIFUL-CSIRT (formation of an early warning and resolve team for cyber-attacks)
Workplace and Work Environment Establishment of the Human Resources Outline ECONOMIC GROWTH
Harassment hotline
Conduct an awareness and satisfaction survey through employee self-assessment surveys
Employee stock ownership plan
Expanding Human resource development system
Support for variety personal development
Flextime system
Promoting health checkups and stress checkups
Purchase of emergency stockpiles of disaster
Introduction of Telework and Staggered working hours
Supervising working hours and paid leave acquisition
Barrier-Free Building
Hold emergency drills
Promoting Diversity Platinum Kurumin certification GENDER EQUALITY
Expand hiring female
Development and promotion of female employees
Retiree re-employment system
Employment of persons with disabilities
Support the Measures against Covid-19
Social Contribution and Coexisting with the Local Community Sponsorship of Hackathon WELL-BEING QUALITY EDUCATION INFRASTRUCTURE
Volunteer leave system
Blood donation activities
Neighborhood clean-up project
Installation of AEDs and hold life-saving seminars
Initiatives for donations associated with large-scale disasters
Social Contribution through Credit Cards
Charity courses (point donation system)
Loan secured by medical fees receivables