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  • Disclaimer | AIFUL CORPORATION


Responsibility clause

AIFUL Corporation exercises the utmost care with the information provided on this home page. The company does not, however, guarantee all of the information to be correct or complete. AIFUL Corporation will not accept responsibility for any errors or omissions in the information or for any loss, damage or injury suffered by any user based upon the information herein.

Matters to note regarding operating performance projections

Information included in this home page concerning future-oriented management strategies, AIFUL Corporation's marketing policies or projections of future business performance is based upon assumptions or is calculated based upon information as understood by AIFUL Corporation at the time of release. Such information inherently contains various risks and can be effected by factors such as changes to the economic circumstances surrounding AIFUL Corporation or changes to the size of the consumer finance market. In reading this statement, users of this page acknowledge that they understand there is a possibility for actual business results to differ from projected figures as a result of these factors.

Governing laws

Use of this home page, and the interpretation and application of the matters to note for use regarding the information contained within, shall be based upon Japanese laws unless otherwise stipulated.