AIFUL CORPORATION Establishes Consortium to Enhance Financial Literacy Education with Japan Financial Services Association and Three other Major Money Lending Companies
(PDF 114KB)
June 6, 2023CSR
Issue of the 66th Unsecured Straight Corporate Bond (Social Bond)
(PDF 128KB)
Notice Regarding Organizational and Personnel Changes
(PDF 134KB)
February 1, 2023Corporate/IR
Renewal of LIFECARD’s Visual Identity Strengthening measures to increase brand loyalty with the aim of becoming the "first credit card " of the young adults
(PDF 308KB)
January 13, 2023CSR
【AIFUL GROUP】Held 2nd “aihack Thailand” Hackathon for University Students in Thailand
(PDF 420KB)
January 10, 2023Corporate/IR
Notice Regarding Acquisition of Shares of FPC Co., Ltd., a Pet-Insurance Company
(PDF 110KB)
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