News Release


December 27, 2023CSR
【AIFUL GROUP】Held “aihack Thailand” Hackathon for University Students in Thailand (PDF 326KB)
December 26, 2023Corporate/IR
Notice of Changes in Credit Ratings (Rating Upgrades) (PDF 117KB)
December 25, 2023Corporate/IR
Notice Regarding Personnel Change (PDF 105KB)
December 25, 2023Corporate/IR
Monthly Data for November 2023 (PDF 102KB)
December 7, 2023Corporate/IR
Notice Regarding the Merger of Consolidated Subsidiaries and Change of Trade Name (PDF 116KB)
November 24, 2023Corporate/IR
Monthly Data for October 2023 (PDF 102KB)
November 10, 2023CSR
【AIFUL GROUP】 Held 8th “aihack” Hackathon for University Students (PDF 385KB)
November 2, 2023CSR
【AIFUL GROUP】 Held 3rd “aihack Thailand” Hackathon for University Students in Thailand (PDF 423KB)
November 1, 2023Corporate/IR
Notice Regarding Acquisition of Shares of Liblock Inc., a System Engineering Service Company (PDF 121KB)
September 29, 2023CSR
Notice of Fund Procurement Implementation through Social Loan (PDF 182KB)
September 25, 2023CSR
Notice of Fund Procurement Implementation through Social Loan (PDF 182KB)
September 25, 2023Corporate/IR
Monthly Data for August 2023 (PDF 102KB)
August 25, 2023Corporate/IR
Monthly Data for July 2023 (PDF 102KB)
August 21, 2023Corporate/IR
Notice Regarding Organizational and Personnel Changes (PDF 124KB)
July 18, 2023Corporate/IR
Notice Regarding Completion of Payment for Disposal of Treasury Shares as Restricted Stock Compensation (PDF 24KB)
June 27, 2023Corporate/IR
Notice Regarding Personnel (PDF 126KB)
June 26, 2023Corporate/IR
Notice of Disposal of Treasury Shares as Restricted Stock Compensation (PDF 143KB)
June 23, 2023Corporate/IR
Monthly Data for May 2023 (PDF 94KB)
June 14, 2023Corporate/IR
AIFUL CORPORATION Establishes Consortium to Enhance Financial Literacy Education with Japan Financial Services Association and Three other Major Money Lending Companies (PDF 114KB)
June 6, 2023CSR
Issue of the 66th Unsecured Straight Corporate Bond (Social Bond) (PDF 128KB)
June 2, 2023Corporate/IR
Notice Regarding Personnel (PDF 95KB)
May 25, 2023Corporate/IR
Monthly Data for April 2023 (PDF 92KB)
April 5, 2023CSR
【AIFUL GROUP】Held 6th “aihack” Hackathon for University Students (PDF 340KB)
March 24, 2023Corporate/IR
Monthly Data for February 2023 (PDF 100KB)
March 22, 2023Corporate/IR
Notice Regarding Personnel Change (PDF 106KB)
March 22, 2023CSR
Notice Regarding Formulation of Social Finance Framework (PDF 391KB)
March 6, 2023Corporate/IR
Notice Regarding Personnel Change (PDF 78KB)
March 1, 2023Corporate/IR
Notice Regarding Acquisition of Shares of Seven Seas Co., Ltd., a system engineering service company (PDF 129KB)
February 27, 2023Corporate/IR
Notice Regarding Personnel Changes (PDF 107KB)
February 24, 2023Corporate/IR
Monthly Data for January 2023 (PDF 99KB)
February 20, 2023Corporate/IR
Notice Regarding Personnel Changes (PDF 131KB)
February 13, 2023Corporate/IR
Notice Regarding Organizational and Personnel Changes (PDF 134KB)
February 1, 2023Corporate/IR
Renewal of LIFECARD’s Visual Identity Strengthening measures to increase brand loyalty with the aim of becoming the "first credit card " of the young adults (PDF 308KB)
January 13, 2023CSR
【AIFUL GROUP】Held 2nd “aihack Thailand” Hackathon for University Students in Thailand (PDF 420KB)
January 10, 2023Corporate/IR
Notice Regarding Acquisition of Shares of FPC Co., Ltd., a Pet-Insurance Company (PDF 110KB)